About us

Teachers-Online provides a comprehensive, national analysis of trends and developments in the teacher workforce in different areas in China; research on attracting, developing and retaining effective teachers; innovative and successful policies and practices that areas have implemented; and teacher policy options for people to consider. While documenting many areas of concern about teachers and teaching, we also provides positive examples of where policies are making a difference. It spotlights areas where teachers�� social standing is high, and where there are more qualified applicants than vacant posts. Even in areas where shortages have been a concern, there are recent signs of increased interest in teaching, and policy initiatives appear to be taking effect.

At a time when many areas are facing an ageing teaching workforce and having trouble attracting new recruits, we discuss insights into how governments can successfully deal with these issues.

Teachers is the friend, the guide and the right example for the next generation of this country. At Teachers-Online, we also call for publics' attention on the improvement of teachers' welfare, indemnity and social respect. We welcome all individual volunteers and organizations to join us, for teachers, for our next generation and for our country.